Deborah Conlon
Plein Air Oil Paintings
Deb Conlon took painting and drawing classes in high school and college, worked as a carpenter, metal smith and second language teacher through out the years and returned to painting in her mid 50's when she discovered “plein air painting in oils”. Since then she's taken many workshops with renowned painters such as Ken DeWaard and Kathie Wheeler. She participates every year in several regional plein-air painting festivals and art fairs. “It's all about being in the moment” says Deb. “What joy to settle down with my easel at a local scene for 3 or 4 hours and let light, color and mood “have their way with me”!
Deb Conlon took painting and drawing classes in high school and college, worked as a carpenter, metal smith and second language teacher through out the years and returned to painting in her mid 50's when she discovered “plein air painting in oils”. Since then she's taken many workshops with renowned painters such as Ken DeWaard and Kathie Wheeler. She participates every year in several regional plein-air painting festivals and art fairs. “It's all about being in the moment” says Deb. “What joy to settle down with my easel at a local scene for 3 or 4 hours and let light, color and mood “have their way with me”!